
Over this 8-week programme, students will be introduced to the basic functions of the digital camera and learn how to use a DSLR to take images using the correct settings. 

Each week there will be a different topic where students will learn about a different aspect of photography such as the basic functions of the camera, composition, creativity, post-processing with Adobe Lightroom etc.  At the end of each session there will be a set of subjects to take images of based on that week’s particular topic.  The resultant images will be discussed by the group the following week.

Please note there are no classes on 2nd Oct, 30th Oct (half-term) or 6th & 13th November. 

What Will I Study?

Each week a new technique will be explored allowing students to develop skills in exposure control, composition, creativity, and photo editing software. This will enable students to take confident images and build a portfolio of work documenting their progress. 

Entry Requirements

This evening course in Digital Photography is open to both novices and those wishing to improve their digital photography skills.  No previous knowledge is needed, just a passion for taking photographs!


The course fee includes £10 to cover the cost of consumables used in the class, such as printing charges and paper.

Students will need to bring:

  • a camera that you have control over the settings (not a phone)
  • means of making notes 
  • a tripod (not essential)

In order to prepare for the course, have a think about an idea for a photography project you would like to create. You could have a site-specific project such as your home or garden or theme related (colour, texture, shapes). Perhaps you walk regularly and want to document the picturesque landscapes you see. It can be anything you like, but make sure you keep it simple and make sure it is something easily accessible to you. If you would like to contact the tutor in advance please contact us.

If you have any queries about the course content or materials required please contact us.


Further exploration and development of skills at home, or experimenting with alternative photographic techniques such as photograms, cyanotypes, camera obscura, mixed media photography, journaling etc.